Welcome to Mustang Radio Service!

We promote music to 6500+ radio stations worldwide over a 12 week campaign. We also provide a weekly Radio Report listing all of the global stations your track was actually played on!

Mustang Radio Services provide music artists with a very personal and affordable experience presenting each single to radio stations within Australia and worldwide!  We connect with 400+ radio stations within Australia and 6000+ radio stations across the UK, Europe, Canada, the USA, South East Asia, NZ and Africa!

It has been our experience that by speaking to the presenters as well as programme and music directors personally on a regular basis, we have created a solid and familiar business relationship.

By using Mustang Radio Services to promote your tunes, you will be giving your music the best and most affordable opportunity to be heard by listeners all around the world!

Affiliate Offer:

Mustang Radio Services is offering a 35% discount off the advertised website price for the International Package to all current CMAA Members!