The board of the Country Music Association of Australia Inc is very pleased to announce a new initiative that we hope will help drive your music dollars a little bit further!



What is it?

The CMAA Affiliate Program is designed to bring together many of the great creative resources within our country music community, have them in one easy-to-find place on the CMAA website, and offer ‘member only’ discounts and packages.

For many years, the CMAA has recognised that a link was missing in the creative needs of our community and has been formulating a way to bring providers and artists together. Not only does this program provide an ever-growing list of possible services in a central location, but it also adds real world value to your CMAA membership.

Our initial list of affiliate partners includes some of the most respected and in-demand creative talents in the country. Covering recording services, video production, publicity, instrument repair, photography and more, this is just the beginning of what we believe will be an essential resource for both new and long-established members of our Association.

How does it work?

It's very easy – simply make contact via our CMAA Affiliates page on our website with the affiliate whose services you are interested in. You will need to provide them with your CMAA member number (if you can’t find it, log into your CMAA member profile on our website HERE, where you'll find your number, and you can double-check that your membership is current!) to receive your discount or special offer. That’s it!

Will there be more Affiliates?

Yes! We are at the very beginning of growing our database. In fact, if you have a product or service you would like to offer, (and it can be anything really….graphic design, management, lighting/sound, clothing, hair and make-up, instrument sales… anything that people within the community pay for) we'd LOVE to hear from you, so send us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with some info on the service/products that you provide, and we’ll get back to you!  And if you know of anyone who’d like to offer a special deal or price to our members, let us know and we can approach them direct.

The board of the CMAA are very grateful to those who have agreed to be in our very first round of affiliate providers, and we’re hoping that our members along with these talented people (who are hard-working creatives like you) will gain equal benefit out of this program!

When does it start?

We’ve tested, we’ve checked and double checked, and are satisfied that the website can withstand the stampede, so you can check it out RIGHT NOW!


You'll find the CMAA Affiliates Offers page listed under the Membership tab on the CMAA website:


And here's the full address (save it in your favourites!):

Good luck community, and happy creating!
The CMAA Board