Special message from the CMAA Board

Reflections on IDAHOBIT and the culture of country music in Australia

On May 17th the CMAA and many of our members joined thousands of Australians in celebrating IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia). The date marked the 34th anniversary of The World Health organisation’s removal of homosexuality from the classification of diseases. 

Supporting IDAHOBIT is just part of the CMAA’s One…but many campaign, an initiative of our Diversity Committee. We are delighted by the overwhelmingly positive and supportive response from our membership so far, and we believe that One…but many can achieve its goal of stamping out sexism, racism, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, ageism and bullying within the country music community. 

We want to build a country music culture where all artists, fans and industry persons feel safe. This is a goal that is not only achievable, but also essential.

And we have a long way to go.
Sadly, stories abound in our community of situations in which individuals have not felt safe. It seems that almost all of us have either been affected personally, or have learned of a friend or colleagues' negative (and often traumatic) experiences.
We work in an industry that is known for blurred boundaries. Alcohol is ever-present, artists and musicians are very accessible to fans and out-dated (and frankly unacceptable) power-dynamics persist. We are placed into vulnerable situations time and again to further or maintain our careers, and we are often expected to dismiss our difficult experiences as being part of the job. This has to change.
It is up to us as members of the Country Music community to hold ourselves and our colleagues accountable. A simple but comprehensive CODE OF CONDUCT for all members is laid out on the CMAA website, and we expect all within our community to adhere to this code. 
Furthermore, if you or someone you know is ever made to feel unsafe we strongly encourage you to seek support, knowing that the CMAA board and the wider country music community has your back.
See below a list of resources you might find helpful for yourself, a friend or colleague.
It is up to all of us to make participation in Australian country music be as safe, inclusive and supportive at all times. 
Please join with us in changing the culture.

The CMAA Board




If you or someone you care about is in crisis or at immediate risk, dial 000


Support Act – 1800 959 500 (includes Counselling Support Line, LGBTQI+ Support Line, First Nations Support Line, Manager Support Line, and Safety At Work Support Line).

Lifeline – 13 11 14

Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636

Arts Law (online - Free/low-cost legal advice)

DVConnect – Support for LGBTQI+ people:  WomensLine 1800 811 81, MensLine 1800 600 636, Sexual Assault Helpline 1800 010 120

Queerspace – (online – Counselling, case management, advocacy, research, training, professional development, consultancy).

NO MORE Global Directory - The NO MORE Global Directory is a comprehensive international directory of domestic and sexual violence helplines, specialist support services, and resources for men, women, and those who identify as non-binary in almost every UN-recognized country and territory in the world. Select Oceana, then Australia or New Zealand (or type into the search box), then drill down to find the resources available in your state or territory.

ReachOut – Bullying isn’t just happening to kids – adults are victims too 

Sexual Harassment Australia – Sexual assault in the workplace – confidential advice and assistance 1800 333 666

MensLine Australia – 1300 789 978

NO To Violence – Mens Referral Service 1300 766 491

1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732

Ask Izzy - Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more.  It is free and anonymous, with thousands of services listed across Australia.

Legal Aid ACT

Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NT

Legal Aid Qld

Legal Services Commission SA

Legal Aid Tasmania

Legal Aid VIC

Legal Aid WA